
Until reciently, most fountains were made purely to be seen in the daylight, and hopefully, to sparkle in the sunlight which adds magic to the water garden, and is further enhanced by the water mists that can arise. Sunlight and its effects have always been in the thinking of the fountain designer. Mogul gardens of Kashmir, for example, have a particular narrow sloping water shute called a Chadar which was angled to reflect sunlight to the maximum possible degree.

Man's ingenuity has evolved other ways for fountains to be seen as well, in the 17 century torch light tours of the fountains of Rome were arranged. However it was the introduction of electric lamps that revolutionized the pleasure potential of the fountain at night. An early example of the is "The Magic fountain" at Barcelona which was built in 1929 and originally intended to be an exhibition to electricity. The display there the reflects the designers intention's "plicar la lui simplement para ahuyentar los tinieblas, sino para embellecerias" and his application showed what electrical light with filters could do. The display utilised 4700 lamps using 3000 kilo watts of power and harmonized with the play of water to give an astonishing effect. Since then the effect of artificial lighting is one of the primary inputs that the designer will consider. (Figure 18.)

Figure 18.
The Magic Fountain. Barcelona.

Illuminating water is an art in itself. Generally illumination using underwater lamps is most effective when these are placed at the base of fountains and cascades. Hightly aerated white water displays are the most impressive as light diffuses up through the water above. Currently the range of lights both for submersion and dry use is vast and this range has been recently added to with the optic fibre which allows a light source to play from a location which would previously been impractical. The Optic fibre can also be further enhanced in use when the newest laminar flow jet are played. These jets recently developed by a California based display fountain specialist firm alter the characteristics of the water and light flow through jets to create remarkable effects.

In another innovation the combination of powerful submersable lamps, with micro processer control worked in conjunction with portable submersable pumps and sound recordings to such remarkable effect that displays are set up quickly and easily almost any where and are successfully competing with firework displays at public meetings. These displays have the advantage that unlike fireworks they are not potentially dangerous, as there is no danger of fire getting out of control and spreading nor of the public being hurt by solid projectiles returning towards the ground. Although the capital costs of these displays is high they are not expencive to run and as such are finding favour with public bodies charged with entertaining the public on high days and holidays.

At another level large windows with double glazing encourage householders to illuminate their gardens and water features at night, especially during the short days of the winter months. Fountains and water features can be lit and controlled from inside the house encouraging the householder to give sound and light shows to his guests, whilst they remain warm and comfortable within the house.
