LOGO: Waterlands Productions Ltd.

Related and Interesting Links

The following is a small selection of the best water-gardening related sites that we have found on the Web. If you know of any that you think should be added to the list, please email us with the details.

If you would like to include this site on your own links page, then please click here for details, logos, etc.

The International Waterlily Society
The number of large images on this site means it can take quite a while to download. Nevertheless, it is worth the wait.

Center For Aquatic Plants
This site is maintained by the University of Florida. It contains a host of useful information, pictures and other resources.

Umeda Yogyo Co. Ltd.
Koi Carp. This Japanese company can export anywhere in the world. They specialise in Nishikigoi with prices ranging from as little as $750 to as much as $37,500 per fish. Their English Catalogue offers online ordering, as well as additional information on Koi.

Usenet - rec.ponds
This newsgroup is dedicated to all aspects of water gardening. Conatct your ISP if you are unable to access it.
