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Recommended Books

Some of the books on this page can be ordered directly from "Bookpages", a British Online Bookshop. Simply click on a book's title to go straight to their order details for that particular book. Descriptions are taken from the Bookpages site.

The Water Gardener
by Anthony Archer-Wills
1993. Hardback. Published by Francis Lincoln Ltd.
This book explains how to design and construct formal and informal pools and ponds, lakes, streams and bog gardens, leisure pools, splash pools, tubs and spas, fountains, geysers, gushers, cascades and waterfalls. It gives advice on the use of rocks, stones and pebbles.

Water Garden Plants: The Complete Guide
by David Case
1994. Paperback. Published by Crowood Press.
A guide to the cultivation of water garden plants. Areas covered include the role of oxygenating plants, bog gardens, a wildlife pool, propagation skills and a calendar of monthly tasks. This book assumes a keen interest on the part of the reader rather than detailed knowledge of the subject.

Water in the Garden
by James Allison
1991. Hardback. Published by Salamander Books.

"Gardeners' World" Complete Book of Water Gardens
by Sue Fisher
1994. Paperback. Published by BBC.
This illustrated practical book contains all the information needed to create your own water feature; from choosing the right design for your garden to planting and on-going maintenance.

Garden Pools, Waterfalls and Fountains
by Andrew Booth-Moores and Philip Swindells
1995. Paperback. Published by Ward Lock.
This practical guide to creating garden pools, waterfalls and fountains covers design and construction, aquatic and marginal planting, stocking pools with fish and other livestock, and pool maintenance.

Rock and Water Garden Expert
by D.G. Hessayon
1993. Paperback. Published by PBI Publications.
This guide includes information about rock gardens and plants, water, water features, lighting, aquatic plants and fish. It provides simple-to-follow guidance on how to build or improve a rockery or pond, how to make a scree or sink garden and how to choose the plants.

Best Water Plants
by Dr Stefan T. Buczacki
1995. Paperback. Published by Hamlyn.
This gardening guide by TV and radio expert Dr Stefan Buczacki shows how to make use of water plant varieties, which species to choose and how to care for them and maximize their potential, and also includes practical advice on how best to feature water in your garden.

Royal Horticultural Society: Water Gardening
by Peter Robinson
1997. Paperboards. Published by Dorling Kindersley.
In addition to information on designing, building, planting, stocking and maintaining water gardens, this guide contains many design ideas and an illustrated plant catalogue of 150 aquatic and moisture-loving plants. Recent information on new construction materials, pumps and filters is included.

Fountains and pools by C. Douglas Aurand
1987. Published by E & F. N. Spon Ltd. London.

Modern Fountains by Gretl Hoffman
1980. Pulished by George Unwin Ltd. London.

The Use of Water in Landscape Architecture by Susan and Geoffrey Jellicoe
1971. Published by A & C Black. London.