LOGO: Waterlands Productions Ltd.

Some Recent Commissions

For security reasons we do not make public the names and addresses of our clients; however, if you telephone Bryan Hirst on 07768 940 393, we would be glad to put you in touch with some of our customers.

Storrington. West Sussex.
Private Client.
Designer: Anthony Archer-Wills.

The creation of an oval shaped sunken fountain pond in an established rose garden. An ornamental lead statue by Crowthers of London was fitted.

The oval shape was designed to give the illusion of a circle when viewed from the house. Antique stable block bricks were used for the oval. Grass grows to the water's edge.

Guildford. Surrey.
Private Client.
Designer: Joy Jardine.

The creation of a cress pool, meadowland stream and waterfall into an established lake. A raised drip feed bog planting area was made, as well as a Duck island and oak jetty with stone pier.

Morton in Marsh. Gloucestershire.
Private Client.
Designer: Anthia Gibson.

Pictures of Completed Project

Creation of a circular sunken reflecting pool in an established Russell Page Garden. Stepping stones to a medieval column and bowl. Black bricks were used and levels altered to make the pond intimate.

Shaftsbury. Dorset.
Private Client.
Designer: Anthony Archer-Wills

Pictures of Completed Project
Construction of a formal square sunken pool wiith fountain in the established Italian gardens of a Manor House.

The pool was surrounded with reclaimed York stone selected to match the existing material around the house.

Marmsbury. Wiltshire.
Private Client.
Designer: Anthony Archer-Wills.

Pictures of Completed Project

Establishment of a large pond adjacent to a newly restored stone barn. It will adjoin an indoor swimming pool soon to be built and has oak walkways over the pond. Extensive planting areas and a large wildlife beach were provided.

South London.
Private Client.
Designer: Carline Crowe.

Disassembl and reconstruction of a fountain. The gardens were landscaped and a stream built running into a series of rock pools leading to decking by the house. Chinese theme.

Chipstead. Surrey.
Private Client.
Designer: Anthony Archer-Wills.

Disassembly of existing water feature. This was extended, reshaped and rebuilt with a waterfall, cave, stone bridge and oak walkway.

This hidden garden can only been seen after an extended walk through the gardens.

London Corporation.

Waterlands has been retained as consultant. The Corporation wishes to improve the water quality and amenity value of a large artificial lake in central London.


Waterlands has been retained as consultant for the restoration of an 18th century spring-fed water feature consisting of grotto, canal and pool.


Waterlands retained to combat erosion and silting problems in a large private garden often open to the public.
