Gardening-uk Credits & Copyrights
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Gardening-uk is produced by:

The Complete MultiMedia Co. Ltd.,
Capons Farm,
West Sussex,
RH13 8DE,
United Kingdom.

Contact: Rosemary Mareš
Telephone: (+44) 01403 864 797
Fax: (+44) 01403 864 797
Home Page:

HTML Layout and JavaScript Programming:
William Wallace.
Inline Graphics and Image Processing:
Mei-Mei Costick.
Marketing and Administration:
Rosemary Mareš.

Gardening-uk is copyright © 1997 The Complete MultiMedia Company Ltd.

All HTML Layout and JavaScript programming copyright © 1997 The Complete MultiMedia Company Ltd.

Individual Catalogue Contents are the copyright
of the respective catalogue owners.



Copyright © 1997 The Complete MultiMedia Co. Ltd.
Information Home Page Help

All Pages is Gardening-uk have been optimised for use with version 3.0 or greater of Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer. All catalogues designed, maintained and hosted by Gardening-uk require a Javascript enabled browser. Additionally, many pages make use of Verdana and Georgia Web Optimised True Type fonts available free from Microsoft at